Business process mapping in 5 steps: Learn how to map processes


If you want to understand how your company’s day-to-day works, you will certainly need a good process mapping. So come on? Find out what the 5 essential steps to a successful business mapping are.

Define which processes will be mapped

The first step in mapping processes is to define a portfolio with the processes that need to be mapped. The best thing is to focus on the processes that really matter, and will bring results more quickly. When choosing between one process, and another it is worth asking yourself –

  • Why do we need to map this process?
  • How critical is this process?
  • Potential risks involved.
  • Does this process need to meet standards and regulations? If so, which ones?
  • What is the purpose of mapping this process?
  • What level of detail is most appropriate for this process?

Assemble a process map for the chosen process

A process map in the Aerospace Companies is the graphic representation. The design of the sequence of activities that make up a process. It shows information of input, processing, and output of the process. The input, and output elements need not necessarily be physical. They also include non-physical elements. When building the process map, don’t forget to involve people in a collaborative construction.

Check and validate the process mapping

After completing the process map, be sure to check that all elements are correct and make sense within the context of the organization. Also validate the document with employees, and the process owner, or area manager. Validating means legitimizing the new process: ensuring that people really understand the process, and believe in it.

Model the process

Now it’s time to evaluate the functioning, and effectiveness of the process that currently exists, studying the possible improvements, and optimizations that can be made in the process. You must question yourself, “How can you improve the process?” Because, it must meets the demand of the company, and makes basic sense.

 Monitor the progress of the process

The periodic monitoring of the results of the internal processes can be considered as the last stage of the process mapping. But it is only the beginning of a whole work focused on the efficiency, and productivity of your organization. Keep all indicators under control, and be sure to make any adjustments you deem necessary.

If you take these aspects in consideration, your company will surely meet the demand through the professional project management.