Key tips for those just recovering from COVID-19


Individuals who are just recovering from COVID-19 should remain more careful, particularly in their recovery procedure. From getting adequate help such as a nurse near me and other medical help to getting family members to help with the household chores, the recovery procedure can be tedious if you do not handle it correctly. Here are some aspects that you should keep in mind:

  • If you are still contagious, do not leave your home- Any individual with symptoms of COVID-19 or someone who is still contagious, should not leave home by all means. The highest contagious aspect is regarded to be in the period that immediately leads till the onset of symptoms, i.e. the pre-symptomatic period and all throughout the first few days of the symptoms occurring. It can take several more days for the immune system of an individual to clear the coronavirus from the body in reality. Most studies have shown that by the end of 10 days of infections, the body will have cleared the active coronavirus. You should stay home long enough to ensure that you are fully non-contagious. Any person with COVID-19 is likely to become non-contagious post 10 days since testing positive for the virus and at least 72 hours post resolution of respiratory symptoms along with fever as per experts. Even if you are feeling better and your symptoms are steadily clearing up, you should keep adhering to guidelines on self-quarantine for making sure that you do not spread the virus to other people.
  • Some symptoms may overstay their welcome- While everything is readily available these days, from paralysis treatment to home physiotherapy, there is unfortunately limited information in the medical community worldwide regarding this sudden new coronavirus. However, most experts agree that there are some symptoms that may stay longer, the commonest being dry cough, fever and shortness of breath as well. The severity and length of such symptoms will naturally vary from one individual to another although some may last till the recovery period as well. Loss of smell and taste along with fatigue may persist longer as per experts.
  • Immunity aspects- With coronavirus, it is still unclear whether you acquire long-term immunity post getting infected. The response of the immune system to the virus is still being studied and monitored. Hence, even post recovery from COVID-19, you should practice all preventive measures including social distancing, washing hands regularly and also wearing masks which are the most important measure of all.

These are universal safety measures that will help in combating COVID-19 spread throughout countries and also amongst individuals and society. These should be strictly upheld and adhered to above everything else. The whole community holds responsibility for staying safe and seeing out the coronavirus which should hopefully start lessening its tentacles once vaccination is implemented on a mass scale. Also, the elderly should be carefully looked after with measures taken for paralysis treatment, home nursing, home healthcare solutions and everything else that they may require.

Those who are just recovering from COVID-19 should follow all the above-mentioned measures carefully and without any compromises pertaining to the same as well. This is a must by all means! If you require the same, do not hesitate to find a nurse near me as a solution whenever you need help.