How to run your Android Faster and Smoother


You are here because your Android phone is slow and stuck on some occasions. Don’t worry those issues are common on many low end and mid-range smart phones. Because amount of RAM and CPU power does not enough to keep up required performance. Best and effective solution is to run one of your favorite app or game at a time. Because handling multiple apps or tasks no longer possible. 

When the number of installed apps increases, it may also increase the number of junks, background processers and many more. Limited amount of resources available on your device will not be able to cope with increasing processers. Unlike computers, phone resources like RAM and CPU cannot be increased. You can manage junks, apps, processers gain performance and battery life easily with Android cleaning tools like Clean Master, AVG Cleaner, and etc.

AVG Cleaner is one of the light weights and effective cleaning application available for Android devices that bring back lost performance, battery time and many more including storage space. Below listed some of the main features of AVG Cleaner. Feel free to install this application via play store. If your device does not support play store, you can try using AC Market or Aptoide. AC Market and Aptoide are the best available Android app stores apart from play store.

Features of AVG Cleaner

Remove Pre-Installed app – Each and every Android phone has pre-installed apps from its manufacture. For example, Samsung phones has their own services like google. Therefore, you will see two messaging apps, two app stores, two browsers and many more. You may think that having extra applications may not hurt device performance. You are wrong. Because unused apps have their own background tasks or processers to push notifications, updates and many more. Removing those unused or pre-installed app may help to boost device performance and save storage space too.

Get More Space – You can get more storage space by removing junks, Caches, unwanted apps and games, bad photos, videos, duplicates, apk files, media files from messaging apps and more.

Improve Performance – Removing junks and cleaning storage space helps to bring device performance back. This feature can identify apps and tasks that slow down your device. Blocking or removing those apps helps to boost performance. 

Longer Battery Life – There many background tasks or services that drain battery power even without using the phone. That’s why many Android devices lost its battery power while doing nothing. This feature will find and hibernate all those unwanted battery power draining applications. 

Above listed only few features of this application. You can install this application on Android TV boxes, Fire TV devices like firestick and many more. For Android TV boxes that does not have play store, can use Aptoide TV or Filelinked. Filelinked helps to install Android apk files on any Android TV box for free.