The Finer Opportunities for The Right Cichlid Fish Information
Some cichlids can be kept as a pair, while others are large group is preferred. For cichlids, they usually need a spacious aquarium; the minimum dimensions differ per species and largely depend on the size of the fish. For the smallest species is sufficient for an aquarium of sixty centimeters long, but larger is better and for the large species, an aquarium of three meters long is required. For angelfish and discus is also the height of the aquarium is important, it must be at least 50 centimeters.
About The Temperature
The desired temperature, hardness and pH of the water differs per species, it is important toot mimic the conditions of the water where the fish naturally occurs. The desired temperature of Cichlid Fish varies between 18 and 30 degrees Celsius, most species dogwood at temperatures between 23 and 26 degrees. For the optimal pH value and hardness of the water can be roughly broken down by region of origin, although there may be exceptions to be. For example, the fish from Lake Malawi and Tanganyika have high carbonate hardness (KH) that is higher than the total hardness (GH) and a fairly high acidity (pH). Species from the tropical rainforest of South America and Africa have soft water and need a low ph.
- A water filter and lighting are part of the basic equipment of the aquarium. For some cichlids it is important to put plants in the aquarium. They use this as a shelter or to deposit eggs. In addition, plants help to maintain water quality. There however, are also cichlids that stir up the soil and thus dig out plants. For the bottom you choose, depending on the species, for sand or pebble. Depending on the species kept, other furnishings may consist of driftwood, pieces of rock or stones (make sure they are very sturdy!), for some species (various dwarf cichlids)leaf litter such as oak leaves, and shelters of, for example, flower pots or PVC tubes.
Find out the natural habitat of the species you want to keep and try it to mimic
Care and handling you should check the fish daily to see if they are healthy. Also check the water temperature and remove any food residues. Remove loose plant debris every week. Test the water regularly with test sets that you can buy at the pet store to be important especially the acidity (pH), the hardness and the amount of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate. BeeAmmonia and nitrite are not measurably present in a well-functioning filter.
The Right Solution for You
Nitrate is the fastest be removed from the water by changing the water. Therefore, change regularly, depending on of the measured water quality. A guideline for cichlids is about a third of them every week replace the water. Use water for this with the correct water values, for aquariums with acid and soft water you can mix tap water with osmosis water or use special products to process the water. Regularly clean the mechanical part of the filter by rinsing in the old one aquarium water. If necessary, clean the windows with a magnetic sweeper, a scraper or filter wadding. Only use attributes intended for the aquarium, such as a bucket and landing net for the aquarium and not for other household activities.