Looking for Mother’s Day Gift Ideas? Consider a Massage


Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show Mom some appreciation and love. Giving her a unique gift like a professional massage also lets her know she is special. While there is no shortage of mothers day gift ideas, few provide all the benefits of a relaxing massage session. Mom gets to spend time indulging herself, relaxing, and feeling pampered as she recharges.

Mom Gets Something Just for Her

Taking Mom to brunch, lunch, or dinner may be fun, but let’s face it’s a gift for everyone who attends as well. She may get time away from cleaning, organizing, and cooking, but she’s still “on duty” as a mother, and within an hour or so, she’s right back at her daily routine, feeling as stressed as ever.

During a personal massage, Mom is entirely focused on herself. All she has to do is make an appointment, show up, and relax. A professional masseuse takes care of everything else. There’s no need for multitasking or worrying about everyone else’s needs. Instead of dealing with dirty laundry, diapers, and muddy sneakers, a mother spends 90 minutes surrounded by the wonderful smells of essential oils.

A Massage Is Ideal at Any Age

Mothers of every age can enjoy and benefit from a massage. During sessions, licensed professionals stretch tight muscles and loosen knots. The process improves circulation, encourages lymph node drainage, and enhances muscle function.

Professional Massage Reduces Stress

Not only does a professional massage allow Mom to take a break from stress, but it also acts as a stress reliever. There is evidence that professional massage lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It can also encourage the production of feel-good hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. As the body relaxes, the heart rate lowers, and temperature increases, promoting a deep state of calmness.

Mother’s Get Health Benefits

The average mother is constantly exposed to germs that leave her vulnerable to sickness. She can pick up bacteria on shopping cart handles, get sick tending to kids’ colds, and be exposed to the many bugs family members bring home from work and school. Her immune system needs all the help it can get, and a massage can provide that.

A recent New York Times article reported that deep relaxation strengthens the immune system. It can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. A professional massage session boosts white blood cell activity, which helps make mothers less susceptible to viruses.

An Expert Massage Is Therapeutic

The gift of a massage offers relief from a host of uncomfortable symptoms. Professional massages help reduce problems associated with migraines, low back pain, headaches, and depression. Masseuses also use techniques that reduce pain associated with stress injuries. Massage might not replace conventional treatments, but it can be a medication-free option that provides relief from various conditions.

Giving Mom the gift of an expert massage for Mother’s Day offers a range of benefits. Mothers get a break from their daily tasks and have a chance to be pampered. Massages help Mom relax and reduce stress. A professional massage also boosts immune function, reduces pain, and provides pain relief associated with injuries.