How And Where To Download MAH CET 2020 Admit Card?

Where to download MAH CET 2020 admit card –
DTE Maharashtra will be certainly issuing the MAH CET 2020 admit card on the official portal, This is the official website of Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test. The due date of issuing the MAHCET 2020 admit card is on 1st March 2020.
It is also important to mention that The MBA exam is scheduled on 14th March and 15th March of 2020 in the CBT mode.
The two important mentions for the MAHCET 2020 admit card are respectively;
- The hall ticket of the MAH CET 2020 can be downloaded by the students and aspiring applicants with the mode of utilizing their registration IDs and passwords. The other option remains in providing the date of birth.
- Followed by the above-mentioned process, a notification will be sent to the aspiring candidates through a mode of SMS or email mentioning the downloading availability of the MAHCET 2020 admit card.
The MAH CET admit card needs to be considered as a primary as well as mandatory document to be carried to the exam hall. That is why it is important for the candidates to at least download two copies of their respective admit cards.
Where to download MAHCET 2020 admit card –
- MAH CET 2020 admit card will be uploaded on 1st March 2020 by DTE Maharashtra on their official MAH MBA CET 2020 website.
- Here are the instructions to follow for the successfully registered candidates for MAH CET They can log in on the given website namely; for downloading their MAH MBA CET 2020 admit card. They can download through their registered MAH CET 2020 ID and password.
- As soon as the candidate or the applicant clicks on the above mentioned relevant link, the student will be capable of accessing the window for MAH CET 2020 Hall ticket download.
- Afterwards, the applicant or the candidate will be able to login with their MAH CET 2020 registration number or roll number.
- On the next approach, the candidates are directed to utilize their registration number, which was generated and sent to them through the SMS or email when they registered for MAH MBA CET 2020 admit card.
- The next step usually includes entering their password or date of birth for downloading the hall ticket for MAH MBA CET 2020 admit card.
- It is important to remember that the date of birth must be entered in dd/mm/yy format, which is easily acquirable.
- After that, the students are instructed to insert their verification code for viewing and downloading their MAH CET 2020 admit card.
- Once you fill in the credentials in the login window, the admit card will be displayed on the screen, and you need to click on the submit button.
- You can also save your admit card on the desktop.
- The last step includes finally downloading the admit card and taking print out of it in PDF format.
- The following information is provided for the benefit of the applicants and students that the admit cards will remain available on the portal until the 4th week of February.
- Finally, DTE Maharashtra advises all the students to download their hall tickets before the closure date. Otherwise, no further steps can be taken tosave
Instructions to follow before printing MAH CET 2020 admit card –
The necessary instructions to follow are mentioned hereafter;
- The applicants must ensure before printing the admit card that the recent photograph of the candidate is attached with the MAH CET 2020 admit card.
- A valid photo identity proof, admit card, and the photocopy of the mentioned two documents are necessary to carry in the examination hall or venue.
- Any mismatch in the identity proofs and admit card will lead to cancellation for the appearance in the examination.
- First, verify all the above-mentioned details, then print the admit card.
Present details in MH CET 2020 admit card –
MAHCET hall ticket will constitute of the following details with regards to the candidate taking up the MAH CET 2020 exam. The candidates are therefore advised to carefully check all the details in the admit card before downloading it.
- Candidate’s name
- Candidate’s photograph and signature
- Exam venue details
- Date of examination
- Slot of examination
- Applicant’s category
- Gender
- Allotted seat number
- Question paper’s medium
- Opted subjects
- General examination instructions
- Communicational address.
Check the detailed information about MAH CET Exam 2020 at