Essential Family Photography Tips

We all know how important family is. They are the most important people in our lives and we want to preserve those moments that make them unique. This blog post will give you some essential tips for taking great photos of your family, no matter what type of camera you have!
Make Sure Your Family Is Wearing Matching Clothing
One of the most common mistakes that amateur photographers make is that their family members are wearing different clothing. Unless you’re trying to convey a sense of diversity, make sure all your family members wear the same color or patterned clothes. This will also help you remember which person goes with which photo!
Use Natural Lighting
Natural lighting makes your photos much more clear and less grainy. If possible, use natural light when taking photographs for your blog or business representation. Our Sun Headquarters has high quality windows in each room, so we take advantage of this by placing our clients near these windows during shoots! ##Take lots of pictures: We understand that it can be hard to get a good picture sometimes, but don’t throw away those bad pictures! Funny faces make for good blog content and YouTube videos! Above all else, have fun when taking pictures of your family. If you’re having fun, they’re more likely to smile at the camera and feel natural while having their picture taken.
Try Using A Tripod
If you want high quality photos that are not grainy or blurry, consider investing in a tripod. Tripods help steady your camera’s exposure time and also give you greater control over how long the shutter stays open so that you don’t get blurry shots due to moving subjects. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on a professional model–you can find inexpensive tripods in most Walmarts or Targets now!
Use Candid Shots
Nobody wants to see two hundred photos of you posing for the camera, so try to capture your family being natural and interacting with each other. The best way to do this is by using a point-and-shoot or DSLR camera that allows you to set up an auto timer (which takes pictures without clicking the button). This will take the pressure off of you trying to get the perfect pose out of your subjects and will give them something natural and real!
Take Advantage Of Props
Props can help tell a story about your day, what you’ve been doing all week, or what’s going on in your life. We suggest taking fun pictures outside using things like pennants, balloons, buckets, lawn chairs–really anything that will help express what you’ve been doing lately. We also recommend that you take a picture by your garden or backyard, which is the perfect backdrop for family photos during the spring and summer!
Do Group Shots
It’s not hard to get one great individual portrait of each member of your clan, but if you want something more fun and interesting than just having each person stand next to a wall against their name in white lettering–try getting everyone together in the same photo! Make sure they’re smiling at each other rather than at the camera and make sure everyone looks natural (eyes open!). If there are any babies or small children involved, try taking pictures as they grow up over time; this will give your readers or viewers a special look into your family’s history and show how much your kids have grown!
Use Different Backgrounds
Don’t just use a boring old brick wall or paint color for the background of all of your photos. We recommend that you take advantage of any interesting features your house, yard, local parks, or even nearby streets might have. There are big backdrops you can purchase online if you’re looking to do something more formal; however, we also recommend using everyday household items (like a vase, bookcase, table cloth) as fun and cheap backdrops! These ideas will help add variation and interest to all of your photos so they don’t look plain.
Take Pictures Outside
Nothing beats taking pictures outside in the sun–especially if you’re involved in a fun activity that doesn’t require moving around! We recommend taking pictures of your family while they’re playing at the park, throwing balls back and forth or working together to make something. The best part is that these photos will come out naturally because everyone will be having so much fun!