Card payment solution for small businesses


Many businesses whether small, medium, or large have started taking payment with the help of cards. There are many companies that provide different types of card payment machines, which people can use to make payments. These machines can either be bought or rented and depends on the budget of the business. Generally, card reader machines are used by small businesses, as their monthly turnover is not very high. In spite of the fact that the transaction fee is high, small businesses have adopted the solution, as there is no need of a merchant account in a bank. The card payment machine is easy to setup and there is no need to apply and lengthy process for installation and using the machine. In this article, we will discuss about various mobile card readers provided by different companies.


iZettle card reader is a machine which supports chip and pin payment. The machine uses contactless cards to make the payment successful. The card reader boots up very fast and the processing of payment is done within seconds. The machine needs to be charged and it can provide eight hours of service after being fully charged. Banks receive payments within two days


The card reader provided by this company can be used by the businesses of all sizes. It also accepts contactless cards and chip and pin payment. The reader can be connected easily to the Android and iOS device and people need to download and install Square app in order to make their payments. The app also consists of a dashboard, which helps the businesses to generate sales reports. People are also able to see all their transactions in one place. Banks receive payments within five days.


It is also a contactless card reader and it is available at a low price so small businesses and startups can use this machine. The data plan of the card reader is unlimited bad it is popular across Europe. The charge on MasterCard and VISA transaction is just 0.99% The card reader also provides a merchant account and it accepts fourteen different currencies for accepting payments. People need to install mPOS application on their Android or iOS devices.


Small businesses can avail this card reader, as it is available at a reasonable price. The card reader is very small and its working is entirely online. The payment is contactless and people can also use chip and pin to make the payments. The card reader has the ability to accept the credit cards of all types. The payment will reach in the bank account within two to three days. The card reader is so small that people can take it anywhere.


PayPal is a very popular online payment mode and many businesses of any size are using it to make payment all over the world. People just need to install PayPal app on their smartphones and attach their account.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the card reader machines and apps, which businesses can use to make payments. All of them are easy to set up and the paid ones are available at an affordable cost.