Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures 


Dentistry does more than just treat dental problems; it can also improve your appearance by giving you a confident smile. A confident smile has the ideal set of teeth. 

To get your confident smile, get in touch with a family dentist in Rancho San Diego and El Cajon, and they will be able to recommend a cosmetic dentistry procedure that works for you. Let us explore some of the amazing cosmetic dental procedures that not only enhance your appearance but also help protect your oral health. 

Types Of Cosmetic Dental Procedures You Should Consider

  • Teeth braces

Braces are the most common cosmetic dental procedure done by people with uneven teeth. They help fix teeth shifted outward or inward, and braces are also ideal for people with tooth gaps. 

However, some people are conscious of the metallic braces’ appearance when considering this cosmetic dental procedure. In this situation, invisible braces or teeth aligners become an effective choice for a hidden dental cosmetic treatment.

  • Teeth whitening 

Most people are conscious of their yellow teeth and use home remedies to whiten their teeth. However, these remedies can lead to further teeth discoloration and bacteria in gums. Therefore, it is ideal to visit a dentist for teeth whitening treatment to remove stains from teeth with a simple procedure.

  • Dental veneers

Many people with teeth discoloration and gaps find teeth whitening and braces as the last option to fix their teeth. However, sometimes, these treatments do not last long, and sometimes, they take long to fix the teeth. In this situation, dental veneers come to the rescue by clowning your natural teeth. The dental ventures are thin teeth like porcelain placed in front of the defective tooth to act like a fake tooth. It is a simple dental procedure and can last for years if you take care of it.

  • Tooth filling 

When you have cavities for a long time, your tooth becomes hollow from the middle, leading to pain while you are eating. So, a tooth filling is done to fill the hollow area of the tooth by inserting composite filling or metal amalgam in it.  However, the metal amalgam is noticeable in the tooth; therefore, a composite filling is preferred over it to give your teeth a natural look.

  • Dental crowns

Dental crowns are porcelain structures placed above your broken or crooked tooth to give it strength. They help your tooth function the same way as they did before getting damaged by giving a solid tooth-like base at the upper part of the decayed tooth.