Prerequisites for a career in aeronautics

Surprisingly, they only need a two-year degree course. A selected number of universities offer scholarship programs. Those who are looking to make a career out of aerospace engineering need a minimum qualification of atleast a four-year bachelor’s degree course, while others partake in a five-year degree course, simultaneously completing their Masters.
Aspiring students must choose the right subjects right from high school like chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and algebra; topics that will eventually contribute to honing their skills.
The annual salary of an aerospace engineer is around 100,000$. Some of them earn less than half that amount while others who are more qualified earn twice that amount. The employees that are lower down the totem pole earn around 70,000$ while those who are at the top of the hierarchy easily earn over 150,000$. As demonstrated in the numbers, they all make a reasonably decent salary.
Job entails
Aerospace engineers and operational technicians are jointly involved in the manufacture and preparation of a space shuttle for launch. In the case of malfunctioning, engineers inspect aircraft parts to study the reason behind it. They also work on archetypes of missiles, helicopters, and satellites.
Their designated duties are designing, manufacturing and testing of aircraft missiles and spacecraft. They further conduct thorough research to assess the malleability of materials in aircraft design. They can also suggest pointers in the improvement of a certain field. They formulate mathematical and computer codes, develop, design and appraise engineering necessities. Additionally, they run experiments to examine operational features and functionality. They frame the design of aeronautical products and systems to accommodate the needs of the customer, while concurrently fulfilling environmental regulations. Aeronautical engineers also play a major role in studying and resolving technical glitches in aerospace vehicles. Their data is inputted by companies that take care of technical publications like Sonovision.
The downside is that they can be exposed to hazardous materials. However, such incidents only take place once in a blue moon.
Pros and Cons
Pros: It’s an esteemed industry that is sure to win you a lot of accolades. Building a rocket that can reach the stars is an extraordinary feat.
The salary package is attractive and the work is fascinating, to say the least.
Cons: There is a very limited scope of options in this career field. An aeronautical engineer can only land a job that deals in aerodynamics. It’s also a very competitive domain, owing to the narrow scale of options. If you’re working for the Government, it can easily take years for a project to materialize.