How to Go Solar Without Going Broke


Did you know solar energy accounts for 1.6% of the USA’s total electricity generation? If you’re ready to go solar but don’t know if your budget will allow for it, you may be surprised at how little it can cost to convert your home to solar power. Utilizing this renewable resource will help you save the Earth and lower your electricity bill!

Though you will have to make an initial investment, building solar panels will save you money in the long run. You’ll be able to take advantage of federal tax incentives and lower your carbon footprint. Paying for solar will pay off!

How to Go Solar on a Budget

The first step of going solar is determining if it’s the right choice for you. Before purchasing, use this website to figure out your solar resource. Solar resource is how much sunlight will typically be available to you during the day.

If you have a low solar resource in your area, you can still incorporate solar power into your home! A few solar panels, strategically placed, can still lower your monthly electric bill. And if you choose one of the light companies with no deposit, you won’t have to pay a lot of money before getting your electricity services up and running.

Also, make sure that your roof will have a good spot for solar panels. They operate best when facing south, so scout out a southbound spot with few trees to block the way. If possible, trim the branches of trees around your home to allow for maximum sunlight.

Average Cost of Solar Power

According to Consumer Affairs, converting your entire home to solar power — rooftop panels and all — can cost up to $11,000. If that’s way out of your budget, don’t worry. There are much more cost-effective ways to use solar power.

You can install a few affordable solar panels to offset your electricity consumption. You can also choose to install solar outdoor lights or solar-powered kitchen appliances. When going solar, moderation is perfectly fine.

If you want to start using solar power but don’t trust your DIY skills, don’t hesitate to contact your local solar companies. They’ll be able to advise you on where to start with your journey to go solar. They’ll also be able to give you a quote on the average cost of panels and the cost of installation.

Solar Incentives

If you live in the USA, you can take advantage of the solar tax incentives offered to people who utilize solar power. The Solar Investment Tax Credit (SITC) provides up to a thirty percent federal tax credit for your investment in solar energy.

There are also some state-specific tax incentives and reimbursement programs for homeowners who install solar panels. Research what sort of programs are available in your state before tax season. You can negate the cost of installation by using these incentive programs!

Save the Earth While Saving Money

We hope this article showed you you can go solar without breaking the bank. Solar power is truly for everyone, and there are plenty of ways to incorporate it into your home. Whether you make a small change or convert to solar completely, you’ve made a great eco-conscious decision!

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